A scheme of high frequency ion thruster with reduced discharge chamber curvature

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-3-158-168


Abgarian V. K.*, Kupreeva A. Y.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: vka.mai@mail.ru
**e-mail: kupreeva.mai@gmail.com


High frequency ion thrusters are one of the electric rocket thrusters schemes employed in spacecraft as low thrust engines. Initially, electrojet thrusters were applied for geostationary satellites orbit stabilizing and correcting. Recently, the range of problems being solved in space engineering by dint of the electrojet thrusters has expanded significantly. It is worth noting that such thrusters’ application for bringing satellites into calculated orbits, as well as their successful employing as cruising propulsion systems for implementing missions into deep space, for flights to the Moon and minor planets of the Solar System.

High frequency ion thrusters (HFIT) are the variety of electrojet thrusters. Plasma in the discharge chamber is being sustained by the high frequency electromagnetic field, in contrast to the more world-common Kaufman DC-based scheme, in which plasma is being generated by high-energy electrons injection into the discharge chamber.

Initially, relatively simple configurations were employed for the HFIT structures basic elements, which were the discharge chamber and ion-optical system (IOS) electrodes. In the current practice, the HFITs were of cylindrical, semispherical and conical form, or their combination. The flat IOS electrodes were being selected for the thrusters with the ion beam diameter less than 10 cm. For the thrusters with greater ion beam diameter electrodes with relatively small outward buckling were employed to avoid significant thermoplastic deformation of electrodes of the ion-optical system, being heated by the plasma while the thruster operation. With that, the task of determining the most optimal from the viewpoint of the engine thrust, the plasma volume shape, limited by the surfaces of the discharge chamber and the IOS electrodes was not directly set.

The article proposes employing the discharge chamber with reduced surface curvature and noticeably convex IOS electrodes in the HFIT structure. Numerical model for computing plasma parameters in the HFIT discharge chamber allows setting an optimization problem on determining the best geometry of the discharge chamber and the IOS electrodes. It is being planned to employ the engine thrust, being computed from the calculated basic plasma parameters distributions over the volume, namely electron density and electron temperature, as the optimmization criterion.


electrojet engines, ion engines, high-frequency ion engines, discharge chamber, ion-optical system electrodes, high-frequency inductor, low-temperature plasma


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