High-entropy target-cathodes obtaining technology for protecting coatings synthesis by vacuum ion-plasma methods

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-2-179-187


Metel’ A. S.*, Sukhova N. A.**, Khmyrov R. S.***, Pristinskii Y. O.****

Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN", 1, Vadkovsky lane, Moscow, 127994, Russia

*e-mail: a.metel@stankin.ru
**e-mail: nad_suhova@mail.ru
***e-mail: r.khmyrov@stankin.ru
****e-mail: y.pristinskiy@gmail.com


The article deals with the up-to-date problem of the aircraft engine parts service life increasing. One of the problem solutions is protective coatings application by methods of plasma flows condensation from low-temperature plasma. The presented work performed the analysis of surface protective layers creation for target cathodes for gas-discharging systems employed in practice and the ways of their preparation. The authors proposed employing high-entropic target cathodes obtained by spark plasma sintering to generate plasma in electric arc and magnetron sources. Technological process of spark plasma sintering high-entropic target cathodes for protective coatings synthesis incorporating five stages was developed. These stages are powder composition preparation, pilot experiment, sintering of high-entropic target cathodes, post-sintering process.

Technological process of high-entropy cathode-target synthesis of the Al20-Ti20-Zr15-V15-Cr15-Nb15 system composition with reference to the KCE-FCT-HP-D25-SD facility was realized, with account for specific aspects related to the features of the of a multi-component mixed plasma flow generation ensuring, being generated by vacuum-arc and magnetron discharge in the vapor high-entropy target cathode for uniform coating deposition of the given composition. The samples with the diameter of 20 mm and height of 3 mm were obtained to perform preliminary studies, assess the powder composition elements compatibility. The samples of 80 mm diameter and 8 mm height were obtained for studying physical and mechanical properties and assessing the target cathodes performance characteristics.

The results of energy dispersive microanalysis of target cathode samples obtained by spark plasma sintering of powder composition Al−Ti−Zr−V−Cr−Nb revealed the presence of all components of the initial powder composition, which confirms the possibility of obtaining high-entropy target cathodes by the said method.

Regularities of sintering technological modes effect (temperature, extrusion pressure, holding time at maximum temperature reaching and heating rate) on the target cathodes properties and structure were determined. Dependences of the physical and mechanical properties of high-entropic cathodes on the technological modes of the spark plasma sintering process were revealed. With sintering temperature increasing from 600 to 1000°C, an increase in hardness and electrical conductivity is being observed, and further sintering temperature increase does not lead to a significant change in the controlled parameters, and the values of hardness herewith correlate with the values of electrical conductivity. The sintering temperature effect on the structure of high-entropy sintered target cathodes samples was determined in the course of the performed experimental study. The article demonstrates that the structure of the samples sintered at the higher temperatures is characterized by higher homogeneity.

Modes of spark plasma sintering of the Al20-Ti20-Zr15-V15-Cr15-Nb15 system composition of the high-entropic cathode-target with reference to KCE-FCT-H-HP-D25-SD installation were determined based of the conducted studies.

The results of the conducted experiments confirmed the perspective of spark plasma sintering application for producing high-entropy target cathodes for the protective coatings synthesis on the aircraft engine parts, but further studies on the the geometry and configuration of the powder particles effect on the composition and properties of sintered high-entropy target cathodes are required.


high entropy cathodes, spark plasma sintering, functional coatings, magnetron sputtering, vacuum ion-plasma deposition, powder composition


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