Maintenance system of complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles simulation model

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Zimnikov D. V.

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



Relevance of the research related to the unmanned aerial vehicles is being confirmed by an increased number of their application and planned financial expenditure for the development of modern and prospective complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles. Control methods are being permanently improved, and activities on the performance enhancing of the complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles are in full strength. However, due attention is not paid to the issues of the complexes technical availability, though many patterns of unmanned aerial vehicles are as good as manned aircraft concerning their mass and volume characteristics.

The existing contradictions in theory and practice indicate the need for modeling and analysis of various types of maintenance performed on complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles. One of the ways to this problem solving consists in developing a simulation model of the maintenance system for complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles. Simulation modeling is by far one of the most effective tools for studying complex systems. Simulation modeling application in many areas of activity has a number of undeniable advantages. Modeling helps to find optimal solutions to problems and ensures a clear understanding of complex systems.

When forming a maintenance system, it is necessary to account for a large number of factors that may affect the timing and quality of work. At the same time, the adjustment of the maintenance program during operation is being practiced as well. Simulation model was developed with the AnyLogic System with a view to increase the efficiency of employing complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles. The said model allows substantiating technological process, rational periodicity of maintenance, adopting rational decision on the maintenance specialists selection, assessing their workload, as well as determining the requirements to the rational set of necessary maintenance equipment.

The developed model accounts for the effect of an extended number of the input indicators and possible states of the technical operation of complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles. The proposed model may be further employed for solving the problems of rational distribution of available resources, increasing the coefficient of technical readiness and forming a rational maintenance system for complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles.


unmanned aerial vehicles maintenance, simulation model of maintenance system, AnyLogic


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