Simulation Model of Flight Preparation a Complex with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Parshutin S. G.

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



Complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles have proven themselves positively as a means for achieving goals under various operating conditions. At this stage, they are among the most prospective types of aviation engineering in the aviation medium. Russia lags behind in the unmanned aerial systems development, since after the collapse of the Soviet Union all works in this area were practically stopped, while foreign manufacturers have made significant progress in creating complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles and mastering methods of their application. Nevertheless, active works are being conducted in the Russian Federation over the past 20 years on improving the existing and developing new systems with unmanned aerial vehicles. Despite the high pace of the unmanned aircraft engineering development, there is a certain number of tasks, determining the need to the maintenance efficiency improving. The main attention at the initial stages of the developed complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles is being paid to their flight performance improving, while adequate consideration to the processes of operation and maintenance is not being given. One of the most crucial and pressing tasks affecting the performance of work on a complex with unmanned aerial vehicles at a stated time is a rational nomenclature and quantitative composition of maintenance equipment formation. The existing contradictions in theory and practice indicate the need to model the process of preparing the complex for flight and determine the rational set of maintenance equipment. s of today, there are no approaches, techniques and methods that would allow forming a set of ground-based maintenance means, as well as a set of special purpose ground based means, rational by their operational and cost characteristics. The complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles being developed, related to the class of the long-range complexes, are comparable in their size and mass characteristics to modern multi-purpose aircraft. Thus, methods of operation and the set of ground maintenance facilities will be closer to the maintenance regulations and manuals for the technical operation of a manned aircraft. Application of the ground maintenance equipment sets for special applications of the existing complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles to the complexes being developed is not possible, due to the existing important differences, both in maintenance methods and in the maintenance equipment classification. With a view to solve the prognostic problem on determining the quality of maintenance, it is necessary to determine a rational nomenclature of ground support equipment for special applications for a complex with long-range unmanned aerial vehicles. A simulation model for preparing a complex with unmanned aerial vehicles has been developed in the AnyLogic program. The model allows analyzing the technological processes interaction in terms of time and resources involved, as well as assess the load of all ground support equipment for special applications when performing work. This allows determining the rational set of maintenance equipment to minimize (maximize) training indicators, as well as studying the organization of preparation for the complex with unmanned aerial vehicles application within a specified timeframe.


maintenance system simulation model, complex with long-range unmanned aerial vehicles, maintenance tools, special application ground-support facilities


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