Motion and Aircraft Wing Console Deformation Parameters Measuring in Flight by the Videogrammetry Method

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Kulesh V. P.*, Kuruliuk K. A.**, Nonkin G. E.*, Senyuev I. V.***

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia



The wing shape and other aircraft structural elements sustain noticeable changes under the impact of distributed aerodynamic and mass-inertial forces, which affect the aircraft flight performances. Most experimental studies of motion and deformation of the aircraft in the airflow are being conducted in the wind tunnels on the elastic and dynamically similar models. The model structural-load-bearing scheme differs inevitably from the wing full-scale scheme, which implicates the difference of aerodynamic characteristics of the model and full-scale wing. Thus, measurements of the aircraft wing deformations occurring directly during the real flight are necessary. Lately, contactless optical methods, particularly digital videogrammetry methods (VGM), showed themselves to good advantage for distributed deformations measuring of models in the flow of the wind tunnels. The VGM high informativity is stipulated by the fact that information on hundreds and thousands points of the object can be extracted simultaneously from the single image. For the past decades, in TsAGI (Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute) optical methods of videogrammetry has been actively applied and improved in wind tunnels and at experimental test benches. The main purpose of the presented work consisted in improving the videogrammetry method and developing specialized monogrammetry system (with a single camera) to ensure contactless measurements of motion parameters and aircraft wing console deformation in flight.

The objectives of the work were:

- videogrammetry method adaptation, including software and hardware parts, to the object and test conditions;

- development of the measuring monogrammetric VGM-system for installing and functioning on board the full-scale aircraft on the ground and in flight;

- developing the express-calibration technique of the VGM-system in ground conditions in the hangar;

- measuring motion parameters and aircraft wing console deformations in both ground tests and in flight.

The article presents a brief description of the videogrammetry method, specifics of calibration and results processing. Numerical parameters of bending deformation and torsion of the wing console, aileron and spoilers were obtained. It was found that the deflection of the wing console in cruising regimes was 850–900 mm.


monogrammetry measurements, contactless optical methods, wing deformation in flight, contactless measurements of large-sized objects


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