Strength Characteristics Analysis of Various Implementation Options of the Vertical Takeoff and Landing Demonstrator Basic Load-Bearing Elements

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Malyh D. A.*, Peshkov R. A.**, Kuplevatskii D. V.***, Varkentin V. V.****

South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia



The necessity to confirm or rebut the obtained information or the selected approach effectiveness for studying certain technologies emerges while theoretical of computational studies conducting of new prospective space-rocket structures. For such problems solving, special demonstrators are being developed in modern practice. One of the best-known test benches is the Lunar Landing Research Facility (LLRF) dynamic flight test bench, which structure is being accomplished according to the gantry bridge scheme with three A-frames. The FROG test bench of a reusable vertical takeoff, in which the testing object is being attached to the truss structure by the cables, is of a similar design. The main disadvantages of these test benches are the structure size and possible hardships while extra systems arranging. The article proposes a vertical takeoff and landing demonstrator intended for the control system algorithms try-out. Its basic structural elements are fixed cylindrical mast with the gallery for maintenance, and a moving boom, with the platform with the tested object at one end, while at the other end a counter weight to compensate the weight of structural elements not being elements of the tested object is located. The rotating mechanisms provided in the design allow performing both vertical and horizontal motion of the object with minimal resistance. The emergency braking system and a pipeline system for feeding fuel components as well as water as a coolant are additionally provided. The authors performed strength computation of the three versions of truss design for the two cases such as equilibrium state and emergency situation. The following assumptions were accepted for the computation: the slanted struts are reliably welded to the longitudinal elements, i.e. they are able to take up the required shear forces, and they are of a significantly lower mass compared to the longitudinal elements. The supporting element of the mast structure is a pipe. Computation of several options of steel pipes for realizing in the demonstrator structure was performed. Application of the developed vertical takeoff and landing demonstrator structure allowed obtaining new results on the navigation systems try-out while smooth vertical takeoff execution, movement and smooth landing to the target point of the tested object, equipped with the propulsion system demonstrator. Application of the developed design of the vertical takeoff and landing system demonstrator allowed obtaining new results on the navigation systems development in the smooth vertical takeoff, movement and smoothing vertical landing of the investigated object equipped with the propulsion system demonstrator to a given point.


space-rocket technology testing, control system algorithm development, landing system demonstrator, vertical take-off and landing, strength calculation of a truss structure


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