The Wing Caisson Orthotropic Panels Thicknesses Determining at the Supercritical State with Regard to Membrane and Bending Stresses

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Mitrofanov O. V.*, Toropylina E. Y.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The skin buckling is allowed for the upper load-bearing panels of the small and medium weight-lift ability aircraft caisson at the load exceeding operational level. The authors noted that while designing thin panels, meeting requirements of the static strength at supercritical state, only membrane stresses are being accounted for. The presented article proposes techniques for the panel minimum thickness determining at the geometrically nonlinear behavior permissibility with regard to extra membrane and bending stresses occurrence at the supercritical state. Thus, the proposed techniques are more general than the known ones for the thin panels design by the supercritical state. The panels under consideration refer to the medium type panels according to the existing classification. The article considers hinge-supported orthotropic panels as an example, and proposes applied design techniques at loading by compressive, tangential and combined strains. It formulates provisions of general technique (algorithm) for the minimum thickness determining of composite panels with regard to the static strength ensuring at super critical behavior for various options of boundary conditions. The problem of optimal designing is reduced in the proposed techniques to minimization of the function of the single variable, which is the panel thickness, and parametric studies by the panel points x and y coordinates. The proposed techniques are based on analytical solutions of geometrically nonlinear problems obtained by the Bubnov-Galerkin method. Analytical expressions for membrane and bending stresses were obtained in this work as well. Membrane stresses are obtained from the Erie stress function definition, and bending stresses are being computed by the known relations while the deflection function differentiating. It is noted that the araticle considers the initial stage of the supercritical behavior, bifurcation (rearrangement of waves generation) is not allowed, and the panel deflection can be described by a single term of the series with an accuracy consistent with engineering calculations in the early stages of design. The article considered an option of combined loading by longitudinal compressive forces and tangential flows. The authors noted that, in general case, this technique may be represented as well for more complex loading options when considering several loading components and acting stresses.


supercritical behavior, orthotropic material, membrane stresses, bending stresses, rectangular panels


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