Compression Test Simulation of Layered Composites with Delamination

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Belousov I. S.1*, Zheleznov L. P.1**, Burnysheva T. V.2***

1. Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute named after S.A. Chaplygin, 21, Polzunov St., Novosibirsk, 630051, Russia
2. Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20, prospect Karla Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russia



The widespread application of layered composite materials in the aviation industry is stipulated by a number of their advantages compared with conventional structural materials, such as less weight, strength, rigidity and thermal characteristics [1]. However, there is a number of significant disadvantages, complicating their utilization. One of these disadvantages is their susceptibility to various fracture mechanism caused by their properties non-uniformity and layered structure. One of the alike defects is bonds disruption between the composite layers, which lead to the critical load decrease, stability loss of the corresponding structural elements, which is especially dangerous for small aviation both while operation (hail impact) and while an aircraft assembling [2-4]. Technology violation of the composite aviation structural elements may lead to the interlayer defects as well [5-6]. There is a great number of works dealing with the studies of interlayer defects presence impact on the structure [7-10]. The majority of works consider as a rule only the issues of the structures strength. The presented article deals with the stability analysis of the plates from the multilayer composite with defect in the form of delamination of various shapes. The relation between the stability loss and beginning of the defect growth, i.e. the delamination process commence, was established for this kind of samples [11-15]. The similar behavior of composite plates with embedded delamination under the compression load is described in detail in [16, 17], where the analysis was conducted using the finite element method, as well as various analytical and semi-analytical methods. The article [18] presents a comparison of the results obtained for the samples with one type of defect employing an analytical approach with the experimental data. A comparison of finite element computations with the results of composite samples tesitng was performed in this work. Samples of the following type were fabricated: a rectangular composite plate made of Torayca T800 prepreg, with the defect in the form of the embedded delamination. Preliminary delaminations were of both a rectangle and circle shapes; the circle-shape delaminations had different radii and depths of location. The defect was simulated by adding a teflon film of the appropriate shape between the layers. This method of the defect simulation a has proven to be effective in the manufacture of samples such as a double cantilever beam and a plate with a width-through delamination [19, 20]. Development of the finite element model of samples plates with embedded delamination was performed by the two-dimensional elements, accounting for the lay-up order of the plates placing in the composite bundle. A nonlinear static problem with account for buckling and further postbuckling behavior was being solved. The data consistent with the results presented in the open sources was obtained by the results of the finite element analysis computations. Further, the samples were tested for compression in accordance with the Standard [21]. The data on the nature of the samples post-buckling behavior obtained from tests are inconsistent with those previously obtained with the finite element model. To clarify the reasons for such difference between the results of the finite element analysis and experimental data, more detailed finite element modeling was performed, which accounted for the part of the equipment through which the load is transmitted from the testing machine to the sample. While solving the nonlinear static problem, the sample stability loss in the equipment area was assumed as the first form of buckling. This finite element model allowed obtaining the results consistent with the data obtained with the tests.


interlayer defects of layered polymer composite material, composite plates stability, nonlinear finite element analysis, postbuckling behavior analysis, composite samples testing


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