Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
*, **, ***, ****Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
The article deals with starting power determining of the starter with regard to the requirements placed on the starting time. The existing version of the ASTRA software was modernized for simulation modeling performing in accordance with modern tendencies [1, 2] for the said task realization.The work process real-time modeling imposes high requirements on the parameters computing speed and solution searching of the system of equations of the subassemblies joint operation. Thus, computational efficiency improvement of all algorithms was performed. Sampling frequency increase of the process being modeled and numerical solution error of the system of differential equations decrease were achieved as the result [3].
The generator starter required characteristics determining is an important task in the engine design optimization. Computations on the starter generator required power were performed within the framework of the project on a 22 kgf small-sized gas turbine engine development. A series of the working fluid parameters computations at the engine starting for the starting power values of N = 50–300 W was conducted for the power determining.
The limited starting time, namely no more than 40 seconds for various TH values, is one of the requirements to the engine being developed. Computation was performed and rotor speed n time dependencies were obtained for the given starter power.
The results of the work on these tools development and their implementation based on the ASTRA conceptual design software found application in the course of scientific research on the of advanced gas turbine power plants development. Particularly, the starting power of the starter was selected with regard to the starting time and operating process parameters requirements at different outdoor temperatures, while a small-sized gas turbine engine with a thrust of 22 kgf designing.
simulation modeling, mathematical model, gas turbine engine, engine prototype, thermodynamic computation, transient response, virtual tests, starter, starting powerReferences
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