Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
1*, 1, 1, 1, 2, 21. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), 9, Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, 141701, Russia
2. Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, Moscow, Russia
*e-mail: arefyev.kj@mipt.ru
The flow acoustical impact is one of the prospective methods for methane oxidation intensification.
The objective of this research consists in conducting computational and experimental studies to reveal physico-chemical effects specifics and establishing basic regularities of the methane oxidation in a high-enthalpy oxygen-containing flow in a channel under the excitation of forced acoustic oscillations.
The study of the methane oxidation efficiency in a high-enthalpy quasi-air flow (HQAF) was conducted on the experimental setup with oxidation reactions realization in a constant cross-section channel.
One of the most significant efficiency indicators of the working process is the coefficient of the fuel oxidation physico-chemical processes completeness η.
The 3D numerical modeling of the working process in the flow path of the experimental setup was performed to explain in detail the results of experiments, reveal the physic-chemical processes specifics and analysis of the flow characteristics. The Favre-averaged system of Navier-Stokes equations, recorded for the compressible continuum medium was being solved in the course of computations. Methane oxidation with HQAF modeling was performed with the chemical reactions finite rates model Finite rate model and detailed kinetic mechanism.
The computational-experimental studies were being performed for the HQAF range of initial total enthalpies of H = 1600–2400 kJ/kg. Three modes (H = 1600 kJ/kg; H = 2000 kJ/kg and H = 2400 kJ/kg) were selected, for each of which the fuel excess ratio φ was varied in the range from 0.4 to 1.0. Computations and experiments were both without and with the acoustical impact (at frequencies of f = 300–1200 Hz) on the methane supplied into the constant cross-section channel.
Computations and experiments allowed obtaining dependences of the coefficient of the fuel oxidation physico-chemical processes completeness η on the fuel excess coefficient φ for various initial enthalpies of the high-speed HQAF and for different values of the acoustical impact frequency.
Both computer and experimental values are matching satisfactorily (within 7%), which indicates a satisfactory modeling of the flow structure inside the channel. With the HQAF initial enthalpy increase, the coefficient of the fuel oxidation physico-chemical processes completeness η increases as well, which is associated with the increase in the chemical reactions rate and some changes in the reverse currents zone.
The article presents the dependences of the coefficient of the fuel oxidation physico-chemical processes completeness η on the frequency of the acoustical action f for different modes. As f increases, so does η, and the increase with that is of a monotonous linear growth in the range of the frequencies considered, which may indicate more intensive mixing of methane with oxidant. All presented dependences have a close inclination angle, which allows conclude that the acoustical impact has the same law of change for all considered modes.
The results of the dynamic processes analysis allowed drawing inference that the maximum values of the total relative amplitude of the pressure pulsations for the experimentally studied modes both with and without acoustical action do not exceed the values of 10%. This allows making a conclusion on the stability of the oxidation modes in a constant cross-section channel.
methane oxidation, oxygen-containing flow, acoustical impact, diffusional oxidation mode, kinetic oxidation mode, chemical reactions completenessReferences
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