Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
*, **Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
*e-mail: grigory1287@gmail.com
**e-mail: falaleev.sv@ssau.ru
When designing an aircraft engine, as well as its workability analyzing while its operation in transient conditions, thermal computations performing of its structure is necessary. Computational method employing full-scale thermo-mechanical model is laborious and time-consuming. The authors propose a structure thermal state predicting technique at the engine work process parameters variation by creating a simplified thermal model and neural networks application, and transfer learning on the example of a micro gas turbine engine turbine (micro-GTE). The said technique requires a large number of finite element computations of the thermal state of the turbine parts in MATLAB employing various combinations of boundary conditions, as well as limited set of experimental data.
In the course of the studies, various solutions for the model clarification, such as more denser Biot numbers distribution, parameters changing of the last hidden layer for transfer learning and experimental data set limiting, were tried out. The results of testing isolated from each other methods for the neuron network operation modification revealed that restriction of the experimental data set size, achieved by the data set division by the types of maneuvers, was most effective. The results of testing isolated from each other methods for the neuron network operation refining revealed that restriction of the experimental data set size, achieved by the data set division by the types of maneuvers, was most effective. After the process optimization, the result of learning is more closer to the experimental data.
This inference indicates the possibility of improving the results by obtaining the experimental data with lower noise and greater diversity of maneuvers. The extra data such as heat transfer coefficients and temperature near the surfaces non-contacting with the main gas flow, as well as general conditions of the gas turbine unit operation may be handy for the results accuracy improving. All that may help more accurate finite element modeling of non-stationary thermal process in the gas turbine structure. There is a possibility as well of considering more complex structures of the thermal machines assemblages for obtaining more accurate digital simulation results of non-stationary thermal processes.
gas turbine engine, multilayer perceptron, transfer learning, thermal map, finite element model, non-stationary thermal processReferences
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