Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
*, **Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia
*e-mail: 30105@ciam.ru
**e-mail: yaezrokhi@ciam.ru
The authors consider the possibility of the bypass turbojet engine with controlled air by-pass from the compressor to the secondary duct for the supersonic passenger plane.
The turbojet engine should meet noise requirements at the takeoff mode. This is associated with the restriction of the jet efflux velocity from the jet nozzle, and the engine should be of rather high by-pass ratio.
Both high efficiency and bypass ratio reduction are required at the supersonic cruising mode.
The authors propose a variable cycle engine with controlled air bypass from the compressor to the secondary duct to make these controversial requirements consistent.
The most rational way is air bleeding behind the first stage of the high-pressure compressor. It saves energy consumption on the air bleed compression and improves its mixing arrangement.
Mathematical model of the said variable cycle engine is based on the mathematical model of the turbojet engine with flows mixing and common nozzle. The initial model is supplemented with the bleed air parameters computing block and a block for computing its mixing with the second circuit flow.
According to the widespread approach, the options of variable cycle engine were considered based on one and the same implemented gas generator of the fourth generation engine.
Computational esteems were conducted in two stages.
At the first stage, the initial bypass ratio effect on parameters of the conventional engine scheme and variable cycle engine with bypass were estimated.
Maximal takeoff mode was selected as a computational mode. The engine thrust values at the other modes of the flight cycle were being set proportional to the maximal takeoff mode thrust.
The compressor air bleed at the subsonic modes was 10% and 20% , and there was no bypass at the supersonic modes.
At the second stage of computations, parameters comparison of the variable cycle engine and turbojet engine of the conventional scheme for their application as a part of similar flying vehicles has been executed (at the same air consumption).
The following results were obtained at the rated takeoff mode (with reduced noise level): the nozzle jet efflux velocity of the variable cycle engine will be equal to the turbojet engine jet efflux velocity at the ~5.5% greater thrust; 2.5% less specific fuel consumption and 7.5% greater high-pressure compressor stability margin.
The variable cycle engine thrust will be the same as the one of the conventional turbojet engine at the prior to the turbine temperature increase by 20-25 K. Its specific fuel consumption herewith will reduce by ~0.5%.
air by-passing from the compressor, bypass turbfan engine, variable cycle engine, supersonic passenger planeReferences
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