Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
*, **Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: dmbondarenko@mail.ru
**e-mail: yurav@mai.ru, yr@mai.ru
The majority of the state-of-the-art helicopters are equipped with traditional the engines conventional for aviation, namely piston and turbo shaft ones. The helicopter engineering development in terms of increasing its economic efficiency, such as aviation operations and transportation at traditional routes, employing rotary-wing aircraft in new areas as well as reducing the environmental impact of helicopter is associated with the possibility of a hybrid power unit (HPU) application onboard a helicopter. The aviation progress, the expansion of flights geography and the air transportation availability increasing are necessary to be combined with Russia's international obligations in the field of ecology. Particularly, this is the Paris Climate Agreement dated December 12, 2015, signed by the following the results of the 21st Conference of the Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris.
To justify the HPU applicability and comparison, the light helicopters of classical design were considered. The aerodynamic scheme selection of a light helicopter for its subsequent hybridization conditioned by fact that it is the simplest design in terms of gearboxes replacing with new electric drives. The comparison was being drawn with three light helicopters equipped with full-electric propulsion. It is demonstrated that such helicopters are of extremely low flight duration, not exceeding 20 minutes, as well as of a low payload that they are capable of taking on board. Thus, it can be concluded that developments in the field of the HPU potentially expand the scope of helicopters application, ensure their market attractiveness, improved technical characteristics, increase overhaul life time and final economically justified cost of ownership.
The authors propose dismantling of the piston engine, main and tail gearboxes, and their replacement with the hybrid electric drive equipment set for comparative analysis with the HPU equipped light helicopter.
The transmission between the main and tail gearboxes is being replaced by the electrical wiring. Helicopter control and electrical systems should be modified.
Numerical computations results predicted that the helicopter flight range may 1.3 times increased due to the HPU optimal mode operation. The helicopter service ceiling is increasing herewith by 1000 m as well due the HPU power less dependence on the air density with the flight altitude increasing. The simulation results revealed that compared with the fully electrical helicopter the helicopter option with the HPU demonstrates better flight performance and operational capabilities, enhancing the application scope of such helicopters. It is worth mentioning as well that with two energy sources onboard (thermal engine and battery) the need for extra safety equipment is eliminated, as long as the power plant redundancy is being realized by the presence of two power sources onboard. The ability to perform a “battery” flight reduces the noise and thermal visibility of the helicopter that can potentially ensure its demand for special-purpose tasks.
hybrid power plant, light helicopter, hybrid helicopter, air mobility, of the of the helicopter main rotor electric driveReferences
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