Determination of the Flame Transfer Function in a Model Burner Device

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Gurakov N. I.*, Popov A. D.**, Kolomzarov O. V.***, Morales M. H.****, Zubrilin I. A.*****

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



The article presents the results of the flame transfer function determining by the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach as dependence of the ratio of the volumetric heat release pulsations downstream to the flow velocity pulsation at the inlet of the burner device on the flow frequency pulsation at the outlet.

Computational study was performed on a Cambridge Burner model burner device with pre-mixed combustion. A block-structured grid model was developed for combustion processes simulation. Local elements refinement in the supposed flame front area in the model was performed to satisfy the scale criteria for the resolved turbulence.

The LES approach for turbulent flow calculation was used in conjunction with the Flamelet Generated Manifold combustion model. Ethane was used as fuel, and the GRI 3.0 chemical reaction kinetic mechanism was used for oxidation modeling. The time step value for each computation was 1e–05 s.

The LES approach validation was performed using the non-reaction case, and earlier published values of the axial velocity (Vx) and velocity pulsations (Vrms) were used as validation data. A good agreement between computed and experimental data was obtained as the result of validation.

Numerical modeling of combustion processes was conducted at the air-fuel ratio of α = 1.8, and inlet velocity pulsation amplitude of A = 0.1Vb. The pulsation frequency for different cases adopted the following values: f = 0; 160; 250; 300; 350; 400; 600 Hz. The study of the flow without the inlet velocity pulsation effect (f = 0) revealed that the utilized mathematical model represents correctly the both position and shape (length and thickness) of the flame front. The obtained dependence of the heat release pulsations on the frequency demonstrates that with the frequency of the flow velocity pulsation increase at the given amplitude of the velocity pulsation the ratio of the volumetric heat generation decreases (excluding 350 Hz frequency at which local extreme value of the heat release pulsations amplitude appears), which is in agreement with the experimental data on the flame transfer function determining for the burner device of similar configurations.

The authors plan to study the temperature effect at the computational domain inlet on the volumetric heat release pulsation frequency as a further development of their research.


hermoacoustic pulsations, flame transfer function, model burner device, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach


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