Effectiveness Evaluation of the Limit Modes Limiter in the Aircraft Control System by the Analytical and Simulation Model

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Ivashkov S. S.*, Moiseeva I. S.**, Barantsev S. M.***

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia

*e-mail: ivashkov.sereja@yandex.ru
**e-mail: irina_moiseeva@mail.ru
***e-mail: bars4558@mail.ru


The article deals with creation and application of the combined analytical and simulation models of aircraft motion dynamics for the effectiveness assessing of the angle of attack limiters and normal overload.

Actuality of such models creating and applying , which lies in the fact that the existing models do not allow comprehensive accounting for the atmospheric disturbances, operation of the limiter of limit modes and cabin indication, as well as the operator activity of the pilot and his model of functioning, was determined in the introduction to article.

The main part of the article presents the structure of the model and describes in detail its constituent blocks such as a flight dynamics model, a model of a limiter of limit modes, blocks for simulating the spiral steep banking execution, withdrawal from a dive and landing. A model of the maneuverable aircraft flight dynamics with a limit mode limiting system provides computing of the kinematic parameters of the aircraft controlled movement with the possibility of setting initial conditions. The limit mode limiter model provides an simulation of the active limit mode limiter operation.

For the semi-natural modeling conducting, the model is integrated into the structure of the pilot training simulator by the network exchange unit. Windscreen indicators models in various operating modes were developed for the flight information displaying to the pilots.

To carry out semi-natural modeling, the model is integrated as part of the flight stand using a network exchange unit. Models of windscreen displays in various operating modes have been developed to display flight information to pilots. A Pocket model is used to simulate a turbulent atmosphere. Karman’s model is employed to the turbulent atmosphere modeling.

To ensure simulation modeling, models of the pilot control actions, based on the fuzzy logic apparatus, were developed in each task executing block.

The article presents the results of a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of active limiter of the angle attack and normal overload, comprising a mechanical stop and a limiter with adaptive force correction at the pitch control stick. The probability of piloting mission execution without exceeding permissible values of the angle of attack and normal overload was selected as the limit modes limiter operating effectiveness criterion.

The conclusion contains the inference that the analytical and simulation model application has allowed enhancing the number of piloting tasks realization, which, in its turn, has increased the statistical reliability of the evaluating the limit modes limiters effectiveness.

Thus, a conclusion can be made that the developed analytical and simulation model of aircraft flight dynamics is applicable for effectiveness assessing of the of limit modes limiters.


analytical and simulation model of dynamics, model of pilot's control actions employing fuzzy logic apparatus, active limiter of angle of attack and normal overload, limiter with adaptive correction, effectiveness evaluation of of limit modes limiters


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