Computation of Warping Compensation from Residual Stresses Impact in Additive Production

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science


Khaimovich A. I.*, Balyakin A. V.**, Oleinik M. A.***, Stepanenko I. S.****, Meshkov A. A.*****

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



In recent years, additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has been widely recognized and has become one of the fastest growing technologies in the field of manufacturing. Additive manufacturing has become an innovative manufacturing technology used in the aerospace, energy, biomedical and automotive fields due to its advantageous ability to quickly produce complex-profile blanks. The aerospace industry is actively using additive technologies due to several factors:

1. Increasing the functionality and reducing the weight of the final products. Due to the optimal placement of the material and a reduction in the number of parts, it is possible to significantly reduce the mass of propulsion systems, which leads to an improvement in the operational characteristics of aircraft.

2. Reduction of production costs. Due to the use of additive technologies, it is possible to simplify the manufacture of complex components, such as elements of gas turbine engines and liquid propellants, which reduces the cost of expensive tooling and manual labor. Also, significant benefits can be obtained at the R&D stage due to the reduction in the production time of prototypes and the downtime of the design department.

To obtain large-sized blanks of complex geometric shape from heat-resistant nickel alloys, an additive technological process of direct supply of energy and material is used, known as direct metal deposition (DMD). The use of direct laser cultivation in the production of products made of metal-powder compositions, including aluminum, titanium, heat-resistant alloys and stainless steels, is becoming increasingly common. This technology is particularly in demand in the aircraft engine industry, where heat-resistant steels and alloys are used to manufacture key components of gas turbine engines. In addition, direct laser cultivation has found application in the production of functional parts. However, there is a need to develop a technique for designing workpieces that would take into account the warping caused by residual stresses arising during direct metal deposition. The use of warping compensation from residual stresses will not only eliminate subjective factors affecting the quality of manufactured products, but also reduce labor costs and the cost of developing a technological process for obtaining blanks. Currently, the use of nickel materials in the field of additive technologies is limited by the peculiarities of ultrafast crystallization processes, which causes the accumulation of significant internal stresses, which leads to the formation of micro- and macro-defects.

In general, the residual stresses acting on the part during welding are the result of the action of residual deformations: thermal, mechanical, shrinkage, creep, phase transition. These residual deformations are the result of the action of the heat source. Excellent material properties, such as fatigue strength and tensile strength, directly depend on the microstructure of the parts. Therefore, the presence of residual stresses is not desirable, since they can cause plastic deformation of the connected parts. Various studies describe the modeling of thermomechanical processes with intense deformations in technological systems. The influence of the connection direction on the magnitude of residual stresses has also been investigated. In the process of laser synthesis of thin blanks, significant deformations occur due to the effect of residual stresses from thermal loads, which leads to the marriage of products. Therefore, the development of methods for compensation of residual stresses is an urgent task.


additive manufacturing, direct metal deposition, deformations after deposition, residual stresses in the material structure, finite element method, EP648 chromium-nickel heat-resistant alloy, regression analysis, СAE system calibration


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