Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
*, **Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
Modern mainline aircraft commonly have turbofan engines, which are placed on pylons under the wing. One of the major disadvantages of this engine’s placement consists in the possibility of foreign objects ingress. A common reason for the foreign objects ingestion while an aircraft taxiing along the airfield surface is a vortex flow that forms in front of the engine air intake. The vortex flow intensity is being affected by the variety of factors such as the height of engine location above the surface, the air intake diameter, the mass flow rate of the power plant, as well as the crosswind and headwind speed.
The article presents an operational method for vortex flow intensity reducing while the aircraft taxiing. The essence of the said method consists in determining the taxiing speed, at which the vortex intensity is not enough to cause the foreign objects to be tossed. The article employs parameter of the horizontal component of the air-gas flow speed Vh as the basic criterion. The experimental works define that at Vh = 1.5 m/s the vortex forming becomes intensive and may toss up foreign subjects.
The first step of the presented method is determining the crosswind velocity, at which the vortex flow intensity is at its maximum for the considered engine position and mass flow rate. The article presents the results reflecting changes in the vortex flow intensity depending on the crosswind speed. Maximum vortex formation intensity for the considered gas turbine engine operating mode is being observed at the crosswind speed of 5 m/s.
The second step involves velocity determining of the incoming flow, at which the vortex flow forming is of insufficiently intensive. The authors performed computation of the vortex flow intensity within the range of the incoming flow velocities. The velocities vector field changing in the near-ground surface prior to the air intake under various air intake flow-around conditions reveals that with the vortex shifts towards the headwind and crosswind air-gas flows as the oncoming flow velocity increases.
It has been determined as well that rotational motion of the vortex gas-air flow may be transformed into the translational one as the aircraft taxiing speed increasing, which leads obviously to the vortex flow intensity reduction. For the considered engine operating conditions, with a crosswind speed of 5 m/s, the taxiing speed of the aircraft at which the probability of foreign object ingress with a vortex was reduced was of 6 m/s (Vh ≤ 1,5 m/s).
The results presented in the article were obtained with the ANSYS software package. Application of mathematical modeling methods allowed determining the dependence of the vortex flow intensity on the joint impact of crosswind and headwind air-gas flows.
turbofan engine, air intake, vortex flow intensity, ingress of foreign objects, operational method of engine protection, vortex coreReferences
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