Computational Specifics of Electric Power Plant Performance Characteristics of an Airplane-Type Unmanned Aerial Vehicle by Mathematical Modeling

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Zinenkov Y. V.1*, Lukovnikov A. V.2**

1. Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
2. Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



The electric power plant mathematical modeling in an aircraft system is a new trend. It integrates several self-sufficient disciplines such as aerodynamics; flight dynamics, aircraft design; theory and design of aircraft power plants and electrical engineering. If the first group of disciplines herewith accumjulated along-term experience of joint work in the issues of the power plants in the aircraft system mathematical modeling, the electrical engineering makes only the firsts steps of integration into this process. Thus, the existing software-and-methodological complexes for the technical layout forming of power plants of various types in the aircraft system require functionality expanding with account for the electrical elements operation.
An array of power plant characteristics in the complete operational range of altitudes and velocities is necessary for movement trajectory modeling of the fully electric aircraft. The authors intend to obtain the above said set of characteristics with the “The power plant thrust-and-economic and specific-mass characteristics, and aircraft motion parameters computation” software. However, this software realizes the possibility of only gas turbine and piston engines analysis. Thus, to ensure the possibility of computing altitude-and-high-speed characteristics of electric power plant the authors developed its mathematical model and integrated it with the mathematical model of flight dynamics into the general algorithm of the program.
The developed mathematical model of the electric power plant is of a block structure. This approach allows performing integration of mathematical models of elements of any level of complexity into your algorithm without the basic structure changing of the program. 
Electrical processes in the power plant elements are described by the basic laws of electrical engineering. For example, the principle of elements joint operation is based on the of electrical and mechanical power transfer from one to the other.
Weight computing for each of the electric power plant element is organized separately for the three options: automatic, by the specific parameters and by the absolute values.
The power consumption of the propeller is employed as a setting parameter for the electric motor operating modes computing. Its value changes discretely by 10%, from 90 to 40%, and the rotation speed is being kept constant.
When the electric power plant characteristics computing, changes in altitude and flight speed affect its operation only through the propeller. Thus, the electric motor characteristics remain unchanged. Throttle characteristics are computed within the range the propeller installation angle changes at a constant rotation speed.
Three local problems were solved in the process of the electric power plant mathematical model integrating together with the the aircraft flight dynamics mathematical model into the general algorithm of the modified program. Namely, mathematically universal accounting is organized:
- of the amount of energy for a power plant with the engines powered by a battery and liquid fuel;
- of the liquid fuel and energy consumption in the mathematical model of the aircraft flight dynamics at each integration step;
- of the unusable battery charge.
The assessment of the accomplished program quality revealed that integration of the electric power plant mathematical model together with the mathematical model of the aircraft flight dynamics into its algorithm was successfully implemented.


aircraft motion modeling, primary energy on board, electric aircraft, electric drive motor, battery specific energy, layout studies, flight program, weight balance, Faraday efficiency, required battery capacity


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