A Technique for Aerodynamic Characteristics Computing and Profile Optimization for Air Propellers by Numerical Methods Based on Solving Reynolds Equations

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Lysenkov A. V.*, Orekhovskii V. V.**, Kazhan E. V.***, Bugaev M. A.****

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia

*e-mail: aleksandr.lysenkov@tsagi.ru
**e-mail: vasamat@yandex.ru
***e-mail: erop.kazhan@tsagi.ru
****e-mail: a.chevagin@tsagi.ru


The basic goal of the presented work consists in developing the profiles optimization technique to improve the aerodynamic performance compared to the TsAGI profiles of the P-series, specially designed for the air propellers. The technique consists of geometric construction, computational grid generation, computational method and processing of the results. The article demonstrates that this technique allows computing the shapes characteristics up to the modes with significant nonlinear behavior of characteristics. With the new technique application, the database of aerodynamic foils will be created for various modes, which may be employed further the air propellers blades designing.

The article presents the technique for foils performance computing employing automated process of the structured computational grid developing. A review of articles on the foils shapes optimization has been performed. The article describes elaboration of optimization cycles and variable parameters, which are being used for the Bezier curves generation to obtain the propeller profiles.

A distinctive feature of the propeller profiles is their belonging to some sort of a family allowing unambiguously specifying the required concavity, which will correspond to the relative thickness in a particular blade section. The dependence of the relative blade thickness on the radius is being determined by to the blade material.

The foils optimization was performed with the following variable parameters: the profile geometric parameters (their number varies from 11 to 19) and the angle of attack α. A genetic algorithm with subsequent solution refinement by the gradient method is selected as a main optimization algorithm. The optimization problem consists in obtaining the profile geometry with minimal aerodynamic drag Cxa at a given mode (Re, M, α), and the lifting force Cya value, which is the lower bound. The aerodynamic quality with a negative sign was selected as an objective function.

The authors obtained geometries of the singular-length foils with a thickness of c = 5.9% at various optimizations, namely a single-mode, dual-mode and multi-mode. Multi-mode optimization was performed in three main modes characteristic for air propellers: takeoff, climbing and cruise mode.

The multi-mode optimization proved to be the best. It allowed gaining the highest aerodynamic quality augmentation compared to the P-107-5.9 TsAGI foils. With the same values of the lift coefficient Cya, the increase in ΔK was +46.5% for takeoff (M = 0.739) and +14/2% for climbing (M = 0.427).


aerodynamic foil, computational technique, profiles optimization for air propellers, genetic algorithm


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