Aircraft Engineering
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
e-mail: k906@mai.ru
The universal method of calculation of the stress-strain state is intense-deformed condition of elastic rod system is considered at presence non-linearity, caused by unilateral communications and a friction in sliding steams. Similar communications meet in structures of settings of equipment offlying vehicles, for example, in beam holders, aviation starting and ejection devices with suspended articles, etc. Distinctive feature of an offered method possibility of automation of calculation is. The principle of summation of increments of deformations and the internal efforts arising in the course ofproportional loading of system by external loads is put in a method basis, depending on one parameter that allows to replace the corresponding nonlinear equations with recurrent sequence of the linear equations. As a result it is obviously possible to define level of external loading at which there is a change of settlement schemes. Cyclic repetition ofprocedure of definition of this level makes the maintenance of an offered step-by-step method. It is established, that the account of unilateral character of communications and forces of a friction in sliding pairs leads to essential change of a picture of the stress-strain state of elastic systemsKeywords:
unilateral communications, constructive nonlinearity, a friction, slip, a method consecutive loading, a compound thin-walled bar, algorithms of calculation, the power calculation, the stress-strain state, strength
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