Horizontal attitude measurement channel of the nonholonomic uniaxial wheeled platform

Measurement Technology and Metrology


Chernomorskii A. I.*, Feshchenko S. V., Sachkov G. P.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: chernomorsсky@yandex.ru


The horizon sensor on basis of the accelerometer, which is unperturbed by inertia, is developed in this paper. This sensor provides precise measurement of the uniaxial wheeled platform“s attitude relative to the horizontal plane. The compensating circuit sensors for the accelerometer method error are selected. Relevant simulation results of the wheeled uniaxial platform, taking account oj dynamics of the horizontal measurement channel, are shown


uniaxial wheeled platform, gyroscopic stabilization, unperturbed system, accelerometer horizon sensor.

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