Birotating electric airscrew drive for unmanned electric-powered aircraft


Zanegin S. Y.*, Kalugin V. N.**, Shishov D. M.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

**e-mail: +7-499-249-6617.


The article describes constructive differences between birotating electric motor and traditional electric motor, and its advantages as an airscrew drive. According to drive features and for using additional upward force caused by tangent component of airflow behind the airscrew, a special aircraft design was chosen. Description and results of coaxial airscrew propelling force (main and tangent) experiment, set on an aircraft model, are outlined. Aircraft conception using system approach was studied. Electric drive is used as load-bearing unit of the wing and three phase inverter schematics is designed to use rechargeable battery with maximum efficiency, according to the following aircraft conception.


birotating electric airscrew drive, unmanned aircraft, electric-powered aircraft, elliptical wing, closed-loop wing. — informational site of MAI

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