The choice of the pilotless plane vehicle dynamic image

Aircraft Engineering


Grumondz V. T.1*, Polishcuk M. A.2**, Chertorizhskaya S. S.2***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. GNPP "Region", 13a, Kashirskoe shosse, Moscow, 115230, Russia



The problem of the aerodynamic and dynamic choice of the pilotless plane vehicle (PPV) is considered. This choice provides the improvement of the flying and dynamic characteristics. The task is solved by the involvement of the new elements for the design of PPV. These elements are wing of high aspect ratio and air-dynamical drive. The mathematical model of the PPV motion and the solution algorithm of the task were created. The aerodynamic characteristics allied with this algorithm and parameters of the angle stabilizing and guidance system were chosen to provide the flying range maximization. The algorithm for these tasks allied with the task of flying around determined navigation points and the task of maximization of the pitch angle at the end of the trajectory was designed. This work is urgent for the most of the PPV guidance tasks. The results show that the maximum flying range can be increased at least at 75% in comparison with the modern units of this technical class in Russia.


pilotless plane vehicle, wing of high aspect ratio, air-dynamical drive, mathematical model, guidance, stabilization, gliding — informational site of MAI

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