Measurement Technology and Metrology
1, 2*, **, 2***1. ,
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: memsdsp@gmail.com
**e-mail: chernomorsсky@yandex.ru
***e-mail: ve_plekhanov@rambler.ru
Algorithms for integrated measurement navigation system based on EKF and UKF and installed on uniaxial wheeled module were reviewed. Comparative analysis of two approaches conducted. A navigation system primary sensor set includes micromechanical accelerometers and gyroscopes, odometer, global navigation system receiver. While developing correction scheme for the system, nonholonomic nature of wheel-surface interaction taken into account.Keywords:
integrated navigation system, uniaxial wheeled module, MEMS, EKF, UKF, odometer
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