The analysis of negotiation process of design decisions during the parameters optimization of aircraft modification and replaceable subsystems

Spacecraft and Rockets


Matveev Y. A.*, Kovalevskaya O. V.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



This article considers the problem of two-level conformity optimization for aircraft parameters and its subsystems. The method and algorithm for coherent optimization search of modification parameters of aircraft with solid propellant engine and replacement subsystems are presented in this article. The issues of design solutions harmonization are considered.
The statistical method of conformity optimization for parameters search includes the following three main challenges. They are given below:
  • optimization of aircraft modification parameters
  • optimization of booster replaced with a solid propellant engine with restrictions
  • directed adaptation of the top-level model is based on estimates of subsystems characteristics of low-level detailed models.
In this case the data obtained in a detailed project analysis of replaceable subsystems on the lower i +1-th level (test data) are used to specify (adapt) project models (mass, geometry) on the top i-th level (for determining the characteristics of the aircraft.)
Results of design research on the top i-th level determine the areas of solutions to lower i+1-th level. The condition of consistency of design decisions:

| miРБЗ(iП) mi+1РБЗ(i+1П) | ≤ ∆m,

where miРБЗ(iП) estimation of upper third stage mass obtained from the design model of the top (i +1-th) control level (with the task of parameters solving of aircraft modification optimization iП);
mi+1РБЗ(i+1П) − mass estimation of upper third stage obtained on the based project of the lower (i +1-st) control level (at optimization parameter of upper third stage with restrictions);
m − defined small.
It allows to carry out a process analysis of the based project harmonization for optimization of aircraft modification parameters and replaced subsystems.
It is shown that the implementation of a coherent statistical method of optimization search allows to investigate the aircraft characteristics with taking into account peculiarities of design and technological solutions to interchangeable subsystems without the based project (without increasing the number of control parameters), while the estimates accuracy of mass characteristics modified by directed adaptation of the design model is increasing.


algorithm, two-level model, problem of coordinate complex optimization, adaptation, mass and geometric model


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