Source data processing for safety provision of aircrafts in formation flight

Measurement Technology and Metrology


Pavlova N. V.*, Vidov K. S.1**, Gusev D. I.2***, Kharchenko D. N.1****

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. PJSC UAC Sukhoi Design Bureau, 23A, Polikarpova str., Moscow, 125284, Russia



This paper is focused on a problem of air collision prevention during rendezvous and join phases of formation flight by means of formation flight informational support and automation.
A possible air collision problem solution consists of three main stages:
  • measurements of relative position of aircrafts in group and their relative movement:
  • determination of rendezvous flight path for each and control commands to follow it:
  • computation of avoidance maneuver control commands in case of collision prerequisites.
Integrated data processing of several relative navigation and inter-aircraft information exchange systems are the foundation for formation flight automation. To research the impact of information exchange quality on formation flight automation and safety informational and simulation models of such systems are developed.
To perform leader and wingman aircrafts pilots informational support during rendezvous and join phases of formation flight possible variants of indication are suggested. Both pilots have an opportunity to watch multifunctional displays determined wingman aircraft rendezvous flight paths and correct them.
Determination of rendezvous flight path is based on use of combination of modified pursuit-course and pure collision guidance methods. They perform efficient and reliable solution of rendezvous task.
Collision prevention is under control algorithm that performs estimation of collision prerequisites and computation of control commands to avoid intersections with safety zones of one or more aircrafts considering boundary conditions for control parameters.
Simulation results validate the acceptability of the presented in this paper solution of air collision prevention problem during rendezvous and join phases of formation flight. The results presented in this paper are the foundation for further research and development.


data acquisition, complex of airborne equipment, accident prevention, informational model


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