Multiagent approach for aerospace attack scenarios description

Computer Science and Control


Abrosimov V. K.1*, Goncharenko V. I.2**

1. "Step Logic" Company, 3, Polkovaya str., building 3, Moscow, 127018, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article is dedicated to potential enemy possibilities evaluation, when one develops aerospace defense system.
It is considered the new hypothesis, which supposes an opportunity of data exchange between attacking flying vehicles. As the result the main core of controlled aerospace attack is distributed intellectual control system.
It is suggested to use so called «multi agent approach» for described above event simulation. The set of agent states at each simulation level is represented as finite automaton, which has corresponding transfer functions. So, one receives the new opportunities to manage attacking vehicles maneuvers in order to create an additional complexity to aerospace defense system operation.
Attacking flying vehicles are represented as interacting intellectual agents with Ai state vector, where
Ai =<Bi, Gi, Si, Ni, UiEij, > ,i=1, n,
here are: Bi is knowledge base of i-agent;
Gi is set of i-agent targets;
Si is set of i-agent strategies;
Ni is set of i-agent intentions;
Ui is set of i-agent obligations;
E is multidimantional matrix, which defines «i» and «j» agents mutual interconnections, considering agents state, targets, intentions etc.
The set of i-agent targets is defined by given agent set of tasks. The set of i-agent strategies defines the set of given agent program trajectories. The set of i-agent intentions is defined by set of targets, sel ected fr om the point of view given agent efficiency. The set of i-agent obligations is generated as the result of data exchange between different attacking flying vehicles. In particular, these obligations have to include the readiness to attack target, which can not be attacked by others agents.
So, the main innovative performance of such aerospace attack is collective intellectual behavior of attacking flying vehicles.
The basic concept of aerospace attack scenarios description is developed. The simulation of aerospace attack scenarios is provided by neural network utilization, because such approach gives an opportunity to implement simultaneous computation of various attacking vehicles trajectories.


anti-aircraft defence, anti-ballictic missile defense, aerospace attack scenario, agent-oriented approach, intellectual agent, strategy, modeling


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