Spacecraft and Rockets
*, **Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The control of target operations is one of the important phases of modern satellite observation and communication systems functioning. Their constellations can include a score of spacecrafts located in different altitudes of planes as well as at several orbital segments, and they are multi-satellite. Efficiency of systems target functioning, for example, film-making information, productivity of SC on-board equipment, operationability of data transmission or another indicator (criterion) should meet the requirements of customers. Optimization of systems constellations is necessary for increasing their efficiency mentioned above. Generally, such optimization is a fundamental problem of modern control theory which is characterized by polynomial complexity. Universal approach for its solving has not been offered till present time. That is why this problem is very relevant now especially for perspective multi-satellite observation and communication constellations.
The general tendencies to formation orbital constellations of space observation and communication systems such as services globalization, personalization, commercialization and satellite miniaturization and multi-functionality are discussed in the article.
The general optimization problem statement for optimization of space observation and communication systems constellations on the basis of realization of technology of operational planning of their target functioning with basic restrictions caused by the technical possibilities (resource) of their spacecrafts is given. Supposed, that a number of spacecrafts in orbital systems constellations maybe as is wished greater. The efficiency of the system functioning during given time interval is characterized by two main indicators - constellation indicator and control of space on-board equipment indicator. Both of them should be optimized simultaneously.
The example of statement of applied task accordingly to a space communication system is presented and detalized. This task and earlier published task for observation systems are logically kept within general problem statement given in the article.
satellite observation and communication systems, spacecraft constellations, target functioning, on- board equipment, constellations optimization, planning of target functioning, problem formalization, applied tasksReferences
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