Comparative calculation of element mass index of energy tract gas-hydraulic drive control aircraft

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Evstratov D. I.*, Lalabekov V. I.**, Samsonovich S. L.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Minimizing the mass of aircraft systems such as the drive controls is an topical problem, which increases the effectiveness of an unmanned aerial vehicle as a whole.
The article describes the solution of the alternative gas generator selection problem with a minimum mass by the example of two types of gas-hydraulic drives with equal capacity, which have in its structure solid-fuel gasifier with axial piston motor-pump and turbo pump assembly as a source of energy.
The feature of the joint action of the solid gas generator and converter of the gas energy to the energy of the power fluid is the constant pressure to the axial piston motor-pump unit and the variable pressure for the turbo-pump unit output power converters, depending on the consumption rate of the power fluid in the steering apparatus and the operating temperature of drives in the aircraft.
Taking into account these features of the work the expressions that allow to calculate the mass properties of the solid gas generator to ensure equal output power for the observe unit within a specified time work were described by the use of the conservation of mass flow equation of in the gas path of energy sources.
Graphical-analytical way shown, that the mass of solid propellant gas generator for axial-piston unit ~ 35% lower the solid mass of the gas generator for the turbo pump assembly assuming equal weight steering engines and power converters.
The problem of choosing an energy source gas-hydraulic steering actuator controls the aircraft was solved through a comparative analysis of solid-fuel gas generators mass index for the two power converters: an axial piston motor and turbo-pump units with equal power output.
The obtained results and the proposed approach for the comparative analysis of mass characteristics and selecting drive power source may be used to select other types of energy sources: air pressure accumulators, of sealed batteries, liquid and gas generators, etc.


solid-gas generator, gas axial piston motor, hydraulic pump, turbo unit, steering


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