Application of brush seal technology in modern turbomachines

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Pugachev A. O.*, Ravikovich Y. A.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The paper presents an analysis of brush seal technology applications in modern turbomachinery. The brush seal designs, their advantages and disadvantages are described and discussed. Brush seals show a superior leakage performance comparing with conventional labyrinth seals. However, due to the presence of moving elastic elements the brush seal behavior is very complex. The performance characteristics of brush seals can largely depend on the geometric parameters, mechanical and aerodynamic state of the sealing unit. Proper design and application of the brush seals allow to limit the wear of fibers. The impact of brush seals on the rotor dynamics of the turbomachine is one of the key considerations with very limited data available. A small number of lab-scale experimental studies have demonstrated overall improved rotor dynamics coefficients in comparison with the labyrinth seals. However, the field experience has shown both positive as well as negative influence of brush seals on rotor dynamics. Using aramid fiber with smaller diameter than the metallic wire can further reduce leakage through the brush seal. The main problems with aramid fiber brush seals are limited temperature operating range and structural stiffness. In spite of some problems, the brush seal technology has been successfully applied abroad in air-breathing engines, and also in the industrial gas and steam turbines. Detailed studies are presently carried out for better understanding variousphenomena occurring in brush seals and for solving experiencing problems. Several attempts to apply brush seal technology have been taken also in Russia with only limited positive outcome. Therefore, more investigations are needed for faster deployment of this novel sealing technology.


brush seal, leakage, dynamics characteristics, turbomachinery


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