Research of the influence of acceleration on the pressure sensors based on optical tunneling effect

Measurement Technology and Metrology


Busurin V. I.*, Korobkov V. V.1**, Zheglov M. A.2***, Akhlamov P. S.3****

1. Nizhny Novgorod Engineering Company «Atomenergoproekt», 3, Pl. Svobody. Nizhny Novgorod, 603006, Russia
2. State Research Institute Engineeringpace University, 125, Mira prospect, Moscow, 129226, Russia
3. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia




Measurement of pressure and force in aggressive eenvironment and high temperature conditions typical for aviation and space power plant operation, in particular aviation engines, can be implemented by quartz transducer based on optical tunneling effect (OTE).
Design/methodology/approach Typical quartz pressure transducer based on OTE consists of reflecting quartz prism, quartz sensor element (membrane), source of light emission, light receiver and processor. Measuring the value of the gap between quartz prism and quartz membrane provides information about pressure in the environment under control. Beam fixed at one end or beam fixed at both ends can be used as a sensor elements in quartz force transducer based on OTE, which consists of the same elements as the quartz pressure transducer and has the same method of measurement.


Some aspects of acceleration influence on the sensor elements of quartz pressure transducer based on OTE are considered in this article. It was shown that the reflectivity of the sensor element of quartz pressure transducer and its output parameters depend on the measurement range, design parameters of the sensor element, and the initial value of the gap between the quartz prism and quartz membrane. In particular the bigger the initial gap is, the smaller the influence of acceleration on the output parameters of quartz pressure transducer based on OTE. On the other hand a big initial gap has negative influence on pressure sensitivity. The graphs of correlation between the size of the gap and the value of acceleration were drawn. The gap calculation formula includes the quartz parameters such as Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio. Originality/value The additional error due to impact of acceleration on the quartz pressure transducer based on OTE was calculated and its value was about 0,01%. The calculations were performed for different design parameters of sensor elements and measurement ranges. According to the results obtained it can be concluded that such transducers can be used in aviation engines.


aero engines, aggressive environment, high temperature, quartz transducer, pressure, acceleration, membrane,


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