Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics
*, **Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The improvement of the method of the numerical simulation of dust-loaded supersonic flows around bodies is presented. The polydisperse supersonic flows are considered. The effect of the interaction of different-size particles to mass and energy flows in disperse phases to streamlined bodies surfaces is analyzed.
The numerical simulation is based on the mathematical model of two-phase shock layers that uses combined Eulerian coordination for gaseous phases and Lagrangian one for dispersed phases. The dynamics of the carrying phase is governed by the modified Eulerequations and takes into account the admixture feedback of on the gas flow. The gas dynamics equations are solved on Cartesian grids adapted to the considered domains using immersed boundary method. Particle dynamics is handled via discrete-element method in its most detailed formulation assuming the integration of the dynamics equations for each particle of the dispersed phase as well as the simulation of collisions with other particles and bodies surfaces. Thus, the direct numerical simulation of collisional admixture dynamics in flows is performed.
A wide-range numerical analysis has been carried out for the cross flow around a cylinder. It has been shown that the particle size distribution around a certain value does not affect the major parameters of the impact of the dispersed phase on the body surface. At the same time the presence of particles of substantially different sizes in flows significantly changes the situation as against the monodisperse admixture. It is found that the density of total energy fluxes of the dispersed phases to the body surface generated by smaller particles can exceed the one of large-size particles.
The results can be used in a wide range of applications such as the protection of flying vehicles and their systems from erosion impact of dusty flows, the abrasive processing of materials, and cold spraying technologies.
heterogeneous flow, flow around bodies, two-phase shock layer, polydisperse composition, polydisperse composition, heat flux, mathematical modelingReferences
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