Management features of creating processes innovative production in enterprises of aviation-industrial complex

Economics and management


Ageyeva N. G.1*, Rebiy E. J.2**

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. North-Caucasus Federal University, 2, Kulakov Avenue, Stavropol, 355029, Russia



Changing the innovative production creating processes on aviation enterprises due to innovation model improving. Widespread is the new innovation model, initiators and sources of which are the users of innovative developments — industrial complexes, enterprises. This requires the adequate management tools development, which have sufficient organizational, financial, institutional and spatial flexibility.
The work object is to distinguish enterprise management features and life cycle processes of innovations creating, associated with the ability to get information resources fr om the environment and transfer their knowledge / products / technologies to consumers.
The life cycle innovation model, proposed in this work is based on the operations research theory and the complex aerospace systems theory.
The research results are:
- A management process model for life-cycle stages of innovative products creating, including the directions and works sequence upon the proposed stages;
- Marketing appraisal parameters and selecting the innovative idea application system;
- The sequence of organizational and management directions of innovative ideas search and selection, formation of ideas appraisal criterias system and requirements to the developers;
- Organizational and technological processes directions during product samples manufacture or the product manufacture pilot lot;
- The key competences selection at the testing and commercialization stage, based on risks and experimentation continuing benefits appraisal;
- Organizational and management processes of innovative products / technologies introduction and dissemination on markets.
The scope of the research results application are management systems of high-tech industrial complexes, which initiate innovations, as well as enterprises, operating in the initial phase of the innovative products development and manufacture and / or when entering a new, incipient market.
Summary 1. Use of the innovation model, where a developer is the industrial complex and enterprises included in it accompanied by transformation of management and organizational processes of units production, information environment, personnel management and selection processes. 2. The innovative production programs development managing at first requires the processes formation by stages of units production life cycle, wh ere are various aspects, as marketing, research, production, technological, financial, economic, etc. 
3. The proposed development is essential to improve the innovative enterprises intercompany activity in the aviation industry in horizontal linkages activation by stages of life cycle, allowing to improve users practice and further commercialize the idea.


management process, innovation, production, life cycle, enterprises, industrial complex, criteria of an assessment


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