Characteristics of timing recovery in the conditions of joint influence of stochastic pulse noise and awgn

Electronics, Radio and Communications


Vazhenin N. A.



The analysis of effect of a random impulse noise on characteristics of space communication timing recovery systems is carried out. With usage of simulation models, characteristics of statistical equivalents of timing recovery discriminators in the conditions of joint effect AWGN and a random impulse noise are determined. The received results can be used for design and the analysis of the noise immunity property of the space communication systems functioning at effect of the given aspect of pulse noise.
Since Gaussian noise and pulse noise affect both on information transmission channel and on timing recovery channels, timing errors lead to additional lowering of noise immunity and should be in advance considered at design step. In the present paper, mathematical and simulation models of timing recovery systems, their basic characteristics in the conditions of joint effect of above-mentioned noises will be observed. The greatest distribution timing recovery systems are observed which are Early-Late Gate Timing Recovery (ELG-algorithm), Gardner Timing Recovery (G- algorithm), Mueller-Muller Timing Recovery (М&M).
The presence of impulse noise and AWGN makes different impact on operation quality of different timing recovery systems. It was found that the most susceptible to impulse noise should be recognized the algorithm М&M. G-algorithm and ELG-algorithm are rather more resistant to impulse noise effect.
The obtained results can be used at designing for the selection of better parameters of timing recovery systems. They can also be used to analyze the effects of impulse noise on the operation of satellites radio communication systems.


space communication, impulse noise, mathematical models


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