Methods of ensuring the radiation situation in the neighborhood of the lunar nuclear power station

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Rocket and space engineering


Pyshko A. P.1*, Plotnikov A. Y.1**, Sonko A. V.1***, Frolov O. V.1, Eremin A. G.2****, Zaritskii G. A.2****

1. Joint Stock Company "State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation – Institute for Physics and Power Engineering named after A. I. Leypunsky", 1, sq. Bondarenko, Obninsk, 249033, Russia
2. Company «Red Star», 1а, Elektrolitny proezd, Moscow, 115230, Russia



The subject of research is a lunar base with nuclear power station (NPS) containing one or more thermoemission modules (TM). The purpose of current work is determination of the radiation situation in the neighborhood of the lunar NPS. The task of calculating radiation shielding (RS) in the neighborhood of the lunar NPS with one or four TM was solved for the implementation of this goal. The thermoemission nuclear power plant (NPP) with electric power of 50 kW was considered as TM.

Calculation of radiation functionals was produced using the codes which allow to obtain a solution to the transport equation in two-dimensional (RAPID-KONT) and three-dimensional (MCNP) geometries. These codes implement two different methods of solution: a deterministic method and the Monte-Carlo method. Optimum profiles of RS layers were determined by using contribution currents and methods of optimal control theory (the Pontryagin maximum principle). The induced activity of the lunar soil and the fission products activity were calculated with the KAMOD-K code.

The following variant of location of the reactor and RS in mine was sel ected as a result of designer research. The depth of the mine is to 3.7 m and the diameter is 1.41 m.

The optimal mutual location of four NPS, substations and lunar base was received for sel ected variant of the TM placement. The total mass of communications between service module and each of the 6 TMs (two in a reserve) is ~2.1 t, the mass of communications between service module and the lunar base is ~0.4 t, the distance from service module to the lunar base is ~150 m.

The radiation situation in the neighborhood of stopped NPS is mainly determined by the doze of gamma-radiation fr om the activation of the lunar soil. The dose of gamma radiation fr om the remaining activity of stopped reactor and the induced activation of the soil is reduced in 5 times by filling the mine by lunar soil.

The obtained results can be used in manned lunar base designing. The number and capacity of each TM is determined by the needs of the consumers.

Thus, it can be stated that the radiation situation in the neighborhood of NPS allows the personnel work at the lunar base and service module when TM is located in the mine.


nuclear power station, thermoemission module, the Moon, radiation shielding, dose, radiation situation


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