Schemes of counting of far IR photons in the context of problems of all-weather locating of distant space objects

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Rocket and space engineering


Buyakas V. I.*, Dresvyannikov M. A., Zherikhina L. N.**, Tskhovrebov A. M.***

Leading Engineer of the Astrospace Center S.A. Lebedeva, 53, Leninskii av., Moscow, 119991, Russia



In the context of problem of all-weather location of distant space objects four original detection schemes of far IR radiation, approaching by their sensibility to the level, allowing to use them in photon counting regime, are described.The first scheme is actually an upgrade of technique of the superheterodyne transfer of quantum fr om far IR to the visible range, wh ere photon counting is produced by a usual photomultiplier or APD (avalanche photodiode). The design of Up-converter considered assumes that nonlinear crystal-mixer is placed within the resonator of the single laser block. The second scheme of registration of far IR is based on directly biased light-emitting diode when the current is yet insufficient for radiation generation. Realized experiments allowed to observe photo response of such a system on radiation with energy below red edge of internal photoelectric effect. Two last schemes exploit cryogenics: in the first one far IR photon counting is assumed to perform using a number of desorbed helium atoms which are registered, and in the second — a number of unpaired spins in antiferromagnetic, the magnetic moment of which is measured by a SQUID. In both ways the effect has a nonbolometric character that provides speed sufficient for an application of such schemes in pulsed location systems. In the first case the nonbolometrisity of the effect is the consequence of stability of temperature value, corresponding to the first order phase transition, when all incoming power is spent not at material heating but exclusively on transforming the matter from one aggregation state into another. In the second case nonbolometrisity is achieved due to direct resonance action of far IR radiation on antiferromagnetic, resulting in flip-flop of spins and appearing of magnetic response registered by the quantum interferometer.

In conclusion two possible registration schemes of near space small objects that do not use the location in ordinary sense are being considered: photographing in 10 µm range using a CdHgTe matrix and pulsed CO2 laser with transverse pumping (TEA ) as a megawatt flash; space gravi-exploration using the system SQUID-magnetostrictor, offered initially as an ultrasensitive gravitational wave detector.


far IR, TEA-laser, lidar, space object, asteroid


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