Concepts of perspective hybrid mid-flight engines on gas and cryogenic fuels for aircraft

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Aircraft engines and power generators


Ryabov P. A.*, Kalenskii S. M.**

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



Prediction analysis of foreign and domestic studies shows that turbofan with high BPR and high cycle parameters using aviation kerosene will not provide meeting to environmental requirements for new aircraft already after 2035. And only hybrid gas-turbine engine (HGTE) using liquefied natural gas (LNG) allows developing aircrafts, meeting stringent emission standards up to 2045.

The purpose of work is studies of available foreign and domestic research experience and generation rational concepts of HGTE using various fuel types, including gas and cryogenic fuels.

According to purposes of the work following activities are conducted:

— results of a foreign forecast of HGTE, conducted by Boeing and NASA, are analyzed;

— perspective concepts of foreign power plants (PP) for aircrafts 2030 with HGTE having potential in improvement of cost and environmental characteristics are considered;

— the key design parameters of foreign HGTE and results of researches on the assessment of their efficiency by the advanced aircrafts using kerosene and LNG as fuel are presented;

— rational HGTE concepts are analyzed, numerical investigation of key design parameters of the mid-flight HGTE using different types of fuel, including gas and cryogenic fuels are performed.

2 most promising HGTE architectures based on the turbofan with high engine cycle parameters are defined in the paper.

— Architecture HGTE-1 — usage of additional supply of fan shaft by mechanical power from electromotor (EM). Electrical energy to supply EM is generated by external source, i.e. power unit (PU) based on solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC).

— Architecture HGTE-2 — usage of electrochemical generator (ECG) based on SOFC, operating in parallel with main combustor. Similar to HGTE-1 electricity, generated by ECG supplies EM, located on the fan shaft. Remaining heat generated by ECG supplies low pressure turbine.

Various levels of power ratio between the low pressure turbine and EM, providing a fan drive are considered for each HGTE scheme. Design parameters of effective schemes of HGTE are specified.

The forecast about prospects of development of considered concepts for 2030 and 2045 is made in the final part of the work.


hybrid engine, fuel cell, fuel, advanced aircraft, efficiency, environmental


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