A design methodology of controllable inductors for new generation of aviation rectifying units

Electrical Engineering


Shevtsov D. A., Turchenko I. S.*

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: i.s.turchenko.ing@mail.ru


Regulated rectifying units are the key functional units of power supply systems for different types of modern aircrafts.

At present thyristor and transistor controlled rectifiers are used on board an aircraft. However it should be noted that magnetic switches (MSs) preceded implementation of semiconductor switches used for electric power regulation and stabilization.

Highly efficient soft magnetic alloys development allows reconsideration of MSs energy and size efficiency indexes as well as their functional area spectrum.

The relevance of such class of devices studying is clearly indicated by the facts of their mentioning in foreign scientific and technical publications.

The foreign sources discuss design and implementation problems of such devices for modern and competitive aircraft power supply systems.

Special emphasis is made on application of advanced soft magnetic amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys for cores of MSs, which leads to a significant improvement of their electromagnetic properties.

New converter unit based on such magnetic switches is able to preserve the best features of its traditional prototype predecessor, in comparison with thyristor and transistor competitors, such as:

ease of implementation;

higher reliability;

better electromagnetic compatibility;

resistibility to special factors effect.

The authors have proposed new structures of aviation magnetic-regulated rectifying units (MRRUs), based on controllable single-winding saturable inductors based on modern amorphous (or nanocrystalline) alloys cores with rectangular hysteresis loop.

At present, there are no publications concerning engineering philosophy and design methods for this class of devices. Thus, the authors consider it expedient to offer their own methodology of design and estimation of controllable single-winding saturable inductors for proposed new MRRU structures.

The proposed method is universal and broad-based for transformer and transformer-less single-phase and multi-phase rectifiers.


design methodology, regulated rectifying unit, magnetic switch, single-winding saturable inductor, soft magnetic materials, amorphous alloy, nanocrystalline alloy, rectangular hysteresis loop


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