Features financing of innovative projects in the aviation enterprise


Troshin A. N.*, Nikolenko T. Y.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: k508@mai.ru
**e-mail: engecin@mail.ru


In the formation of innovative economy the scientific-technical progress, information technology, wide dissemination and use of innovations become the main factors of socio-economic development. Innovation is an integral feature of the modern economy. Innovation involves a large degree of risk and lack of complete assurance of success. Thus, particular importance is the study of projects of innovation, which depends on the reasonableness of the expert evaluations.

Under current conditions the research question is the impact of expert assessment on the decision of investors to finance innovative projects in the aviation industry. This article defines the essence and technology of expert assessments of innovation risk, and also considers the problem of the influence of expert assessments for decision-making on the financing of innovation project of the aviation enterprise. It includes an example of a risk assessment of innovative technologies for linear friction welding at JSC «Ufa engine industrial Association». It simulates an option of getting the opposite results. It is proved that expert assessment of innovative project is subjective. The main conclusions are that the important stage is the selection of the expert group, so as to obtain the most equitable assessments the maximum possible number of experts related to the sector should be used. They should represent different professional fields (engineers, of self-esteem experts is too subjective, and the results may be significantly overstated. It makes sense to use the evaluation of the professional level of experts by engaging outside experts, or by means of tests.

Initial information about an innovative project should be accurate and reliable at the time of assessment.

Taking into account all possible risks requires the great awareness of external and internal factors influencing the innovation process.


innovation project, financing, expert risk assessment, innovative technology of aviation enterprise


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