Methodical approach to ensure the economic security of small aircraft manufacture


Rychagov M. S.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Development of small aircraft in Russia is possible with performing a wide range of tasks in interests of national economy, namely: development and production of inexpensive, highly effective, multipurpose light planes of passenger capacity categories, and large-scale production and a mass market launch of inexpensive, highly effective, multipurpose small aircraft with performances, operation cost, quality, safety and service guarantees for the purpose to replace the park of the outdated aircraft equipment and increase the level of small aircraft development.

The analysis of the development main directions of the small aircraft manufacture has to be directed on the solution to the following tasks: modernization of the existing park of the aircrafts (A) of small aircraft; mass production of planes of small aircraft; restoration and development of competences of the Russian aviation industry in the field of development of easy A; development of system of ensuring financial, technical and technological, personnel safety of the A manufacturing enterprises of small aircraft; organization of effective system of economic security of support for the production of Russian small aircraft; stimulation of demand for services of the airlines operating in the market of local air transportation.

The integrated approach to increase the level of economic security of small aircraft production has to include the analysis of the following directions: analysis of production specific; creation of criteria, indicators and their threshold values, and also the mechanism of providing economic security within state regulation of activity of the manufacturing enterprises of the aircraft equipment to formulate the organizational and methodical bases for formation of functional components of economic security of the enterprises.

For an assessment of economic security of the small aircraft manufacturing enterprises it is necessary to construct the model, which will provide the possibility for determination of economic security criterion value for the production of small aircraft. For creation of such model it is necessary to construct system of the indicators describing the analyzed object, considering not only the internal, but also external factors, for example, the structure and nature of changes in a domestic and foreign market, instability of an economic and political situation and others.

For an assessment of economic security condition of small aircraft production it is offered to use a complex of actions for prevention of threats within the offered methodical approach:

— it is necessary to make definition of system of indicators of economic security and their group on the main functional components;

— on the basis of the analysis and statistical data with the help of modern economic-mathematical methods it is necessary to estimate expected value of criterion of economic security of production of VS of small aircraft;

— to develop a complex of actions for prevention of the possible predicted threats;

— to make a complex assessment of current state of economic security of small aircraft production, which will allow to estimate quality of the developed package of measures and to consider possible mistakes and miscalculations for further planning.


small aircraft, economic security, aircraft of a special purpose, aircraft of general purpose, technical and technological component, group of indicators


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