«Trinity» of the functioning principles of hi-tech corporations on the example of the integrated structures of the space-rocket industry


Ryabchenko A. V.

Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant, 29, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy newspaper av., Krasnoyarsk, 660123, Russia

e-mail: sahs@inbox.ru


Quality of the organizational and economic mechanism is characterized by functioning efficiency of the integrated structures of the space-rocket industry, consisting in ensuring life cycle of the created missile and space equipment. In the existing realities the need for improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism which methodological basis will be made by the principles of functioning of the integrated structures of the space-rocket industry is actual. Formation of a complex system of the principles is possibly at the accounting of a current state and tendencies of development of the space-rocket industry, features of activity of the integrated structures and qualifying standards to organizational economical mechanism of functioning. In the present work the three types of the principles that gives the chance to establish «trinity» of the principles of functioning of the integrated structures of the space-rocket industry are allocated. The first type — the principles of functioning of the integrated structures as hi-tech organizations: efficiency of functioning, continuity of the basic principles of the organization of production, subject and technological uniformity of the made production, compliance of the structural organization of corporation to object of production, a multi-nomenclature at single and small-scale type of production, stability of functioning of the enterprises entering association, unity of all stages of life cycle of the missile and space equipment. The second type — the principles of the structural organization of branch corporations: hierarchy, openness, stability, adaptability, interaction, management, proportionality, balance. The third type — the all-system principles: integrity, purpose, variety, complexity.

The established «trinity» of the principles could make a methodical basis for reorganization and improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of functioning of the integrated structures of the space- rocket industry.


the integrated structure, the space-rocket industry, the organizational and economic mechanism, missile and space equipment


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