Active soundproofing system for noise reduction within aircraft passenger cabins

Mechanical Engineering


Rakov D. L.1, Thorbeck J. 2

1. Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4, M. Khariton'evskii per., Moscow, 101990, Russia
2. Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Berlin Technical University,


Active sound-suppression systems can be applied to reduce noise level inside aircraft passenger cabins as well as noise insulation for transport systems. An acoustic technique used in discussed investigations is named usually as 4S-technology (Steerable Sound Suppression System). This technique is based on acoustic effect arises under the influence of appropriate stress in porous material panels which results in surface and internal deformations of the panel. A relationship is revealed between noise suppression efficiency and degree of material deformation. One can change noise suppression capabilities of the panel generating various stresses in their material. This technique allows to shift panel noise suppression capability depending on the noise frequency. Some active, passive and adaptive noise suppression systems can be realized basing on the proposed approach.. — informational site of MAI

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