Design-ballistic studies of the problem of a spacecraft descent in Mars atmosphere

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Sokolov N. L., Orlov D. A.*

Central Research Institute of Machine Building, 4, Pionerskaya st., Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia



Spacecraft optimal control arrangement in exceptionally low-density Mars atmosphere, with allowance, in the first place, for the necessity to provide in the atmosphere the entry corridor of a required size,as well as effective deceleration of a spacecraft. Solution of the problem under discussion depends, in many ways, upon the proper selection of rational values of design and ballistic parameters of vehicles in descent mode and control methods in atmosphere.

The present work studies design-ballistic problems of a spacecraft descent in Mars atmosphere. It evaluates the characteristic trajectory parameters under various flight conditions of a spacecraft and analyses alternative control methods of a spacecraft. The obtained materials would contribute in many ways to substantiation of layout and rational technologies of spacecraft control during its letdown on Mars surface.

The article estimates physically realizable an entry corridor for a spacecraft with various aerodynamic quality values unchangeable in the course of the flight. It shows that with aerodynamic quality values decrease, the upper and lower boundaries of the entry corridor increase. The upper boundary of the atmosphere entry corridor of a spacecraft herewith is determined by overload maximum allowed value: the more the overload, the less the corridor upper boundary.

One of the ways of the spacecraft atmosphere entry corridor expansion is an effective quality management. It allows almost double the entry corridor width compared to implementation of spacecraft of a ballistic type moving with constant aerodynamic quality values.

An effective technique of final velocity extinguishing in atmosphere during the final leg of the flight of a spacecraft is introduction of soft landing system, which comes into action at the height of 5-9 km.

The advantage factor of the final velocity decreasing is reduced front surface loading reduction. Thus, reduction of the value from 350 kg/m2 to 200 kg/m2 leads to decrease of the values to 60-80%. In this conjunction, it seems necessary to carry out the studies of the dual circuit control of roll position and incidence angle of a spacecraft, which may provide significant reduction of the final velocity.


project-ballistic studies, optimal control, descent in atmosphere, maximum principle, spacecraft, aerodynamic quality, minimization of final velocity


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