Oxygen content analysis on an atmospheric phase over descending trajectory of rockets' jettisonable parts

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Iordan Y. V.

Omsk State Technical University, 11, prospect Mira, Omsk, 644050, Russia

e-mail: iordashkina@mail.ru


The paper considers the problem of space application rockets' launching technological environmental impact reduction, particularly in the field of reducing the area allocated for the regions of rockets jettisoned parts impact areas. Nose fairing (NF) shatters are selected as a subject of research. The goal of the study is further development of impact areas reduction based on NF burning in dense atmosphere.

The paper sets out alternative techniques of NF shatters impact areas reduction, including representation of the suggested technique based on introducing thermite-igniting compound (TIC) to NF structure. As thermite-igniting mixtures, one can implement salts or metal oxides (KClO3, KClO4, CuO, etc.) mixed with one or several powder metals, such as magnesium powder, aluminum powder, titanium powder or their alloys. A binding substance, such as colloxylin is possible as well. The amount of mixture required to start the igniting process will depend on weight content of oxygen in the airflow, since combustion stability reaction just depends on its amount, and, hence, the required amount of heat emission as well.

The paper presents oxygen weight evaluation on the descent trajectory by the example of NF for the rocket carrier “Soyuz-2.1.v”. As a result, the time interval within which the combustion process should be realized. Evaluation of the developed technique adequacy was carried out.

The obtained results are the initial data for further development of NF burning in dense atmosphere.


impact area, separated part, burning nose fairing, thermite-ignited composition, oxygen


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