Wave gear with roller bodies kinematic error computer simulation

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science

Machine science, drive systems and machinery


Vasil'ev M. A.*, Stepanov V. S.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: michael_1987@mail.ru
**e-mail: stevilen@mail.ru


One of possible approaches to determine kinematic error is functioning modelling in MSC. Adams, which allows investigate static and dynamic characteristics of machinery and mechanisms.

The following errors affect the kinematic error of harmonic gear drive with rolling bodies:

  • diameter error of rolling bodies;

  • wave former diameter error;

  • a rolling body mounting separator aperture sizes error;

  • profile of a rigid wheel manufacturing error;

  • rigid wheel teeth uniform distribution error;

  • wave former axis of rotation position error.

The article presents the results of wave gear with rolling bodies mathematical modeling in MSC.Adams at nominal deviation of sizes of certain parts of the gear.

The kinematic error of the gear at a constant rotation frequency was determined, and its harmonic content was analyzed. Dependencies of kinematic error components on the values of the gear links sizes deviations, such as wave former disk diameter and rolling bodies diameter, is revealed.

In accordance with the results of the studies, we can make the following conclusions:

  1. wave former disk and rolling bodies sizing errors lead to occurrence of gear kinematic error, with one static and one harmonic component, which frequency is determined by the rotation speed of the wave former and the number of rolling bodies of the harmonic gear;

  2. the backlash of the harmonic gear with rolling bodies linearly depends on an errors in sizes a wave former and rolling bodies;

  3. the cyclic component of wave gear with rolling bodies kinematic error is approximately of a linear character depending on an error in sizes of a generator wave former and rolling bodies.


wave gear with rolling bodies, kinematic error, mechanisms modeling in MSC.Adams, manufacturing error


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