Power converter within the multi-agent system of a spacecraft power supply system

Electrical Engineering

Electromechanics and electric apparatus


Dyakin N. V.*, Dyakin S. V.**, Volsky S. I.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: dyakin.nikolay@gmail.com
**e-mail: dyakin.s@gmail.com
***e-mail: volsky-s@yandex.ru


The spacecraft power supply system as well as ground-based power supply system provides transmission and redistribution of electric energy from power sources to consumers. One of the major requirements claimed to power supply systems is to keep electric energy at specified level in the course of one or more primary energy sources failure.

Currently, two types of supplying electric power to consumers exist: centralized and decentralized. The structure of the centralized power supply system has the Central Switch Gear (SSG) that collects electric energy from all primary and secondary power sources.

The main advantage of such systems is the stable feeding of consumers due to required power extraction from all electric power sources. On the other hand, the centralized electric power system has relatively low power grid mass and size figures, as well as comparatively low reliability due to the presence of single distribution gear.

The prospective trend, with the presence of a number of primary and secondary power sources in particular, is implementation of decentralized electrical power supply system, having several small SSGs, which potentially increases reliability and scalability.

The article introduced the concept of an agent and multi-agent power supply system that provide the operation, storage of information in the database, as well as exchange of information with other agents that allows implementation of the decentralized power supply system.

Consumers, sources and energy storage units are the main elements of the system. We suggest designing a separate agent for each element, which will provide — functionality, information storage in database, as well as information exchange with other agents to provide their effective operation.

We identified the following agents: a load agent (LA), an environment agent (ENVA), a photoelectric converter agent (PHCA), a fuel cell agent (FCA), a battery agent (BA), a simulation agent (SA) and a database agent (DBA).

The article also presents a power circuit of a static electric energy converter based on modern RB-IGBT transistors and method for synchronizing the output AC voltage with other power sources. It allows improve conversion efficiency of the energy generated by solar cells (this is one of the agents of the decentralized systems), reduces the mass and size parameters of the converter.


photoelectric converter, boost converter, three-level inverter, inverter synchronization, agent, multi-agent system


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