Aircraft engine repair work flows optimization based on innovative labor potential updating in conditions of rate setting


Komarova A. M.1*, Novikov S. V.2**

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,



This article is devoted to the realization of aircraft engines competitive recovery in the framework of the State program of development of aviation industry in Russia until 2025. It is proved that aviation engine-building belongs to the number of high-tech and knowledge-based industries, which development affects a number of vital areas of life and, in whole, the stability of the national economy.

One of the important trends of economic efficiency and Russian aircraft engines competitiveness increase is to ensure their reliability on the level of foreign competitors. The urgency of the system of aftersales service development and repair time reduction through maintenance workflow optimization using progressive norms and standards. The problem of optimal division of labor should be addressed comprehensively, taking into account economic, organizational-technical and psychophysiological factors, which are closely related.

Thus, the article describes the method of division of labor optimization in the organization of aircraft engines maintenance of using models of integer linear programming and network planning. The paper presents the results of the implementation of a method of optimizing the division of labor occupied with assembly operations for aircraft engine maintenance.

Hence, the use of these innovations will allow provide uniform loading at the workplaces, reduce the number of workers and the complexity of final assembly.


aircraft engines maintenance, aircraft engines after-sales service, network planning, labor processes optimization, division of labor, calculation of technical and economic indicators of innovative labor potential


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