Using a method based on fuzzy logical derivation for airlines internal risk management


Zvyagintseva I. I.*, Khmelevoi V. V.**, Zueva T. I.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Active realization of State programs of industrial and economic development of Russia in modern conditions of managing increases the need for ensuring more mobility of its population. In conditions of Russia, avionics can provide the most effective transportation of passengers with minimum time losses, and implementation of light helicopters in particular.

For steady development of business in the sphere of rendering helicopter services in the territory of the Moscow region, it is necessary to provide the high safety level of air transportation. Safety characterizes the degree of security from impact of risks, internal in the first place. Safety is a basic significant meaning for risk management and ensuring the greatest possible degree of security of social systems from economic and anthropogenic impacts.

The development of helicopter transport depends on a solution of the problem of development and implementation of modern techniques and technologies of risk management. In economically developed countries, the assessment of airline activities efficiency puts on the first place the security of its activities, rather than the profit made. The risk is considered herein as a market grade, which identifies to a great extent both the position, and competitiveness of the rendered service and its producer.

The subject for the study is a risk management system while operation of commercial helicopters. As a result, the concept of risk management based on safety notion is suggested. The airline internal risk assessment tool is developed and tested, and the measures aimed at risk management system formation are elaborated on.


safety, airline, light helicopters, risk management system, damage, fuzzy set


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  6. Russian helicopters, available at: — informational site of MAI

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