Selection of tilting steering gear parameters and estimation of its implementation effectiveness for a single rotor rotary-wing structure

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Panasyuchenko P. S.*, Artamonov B. L.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Modern advanced helicopter should have not only vertical take off and landing and hover capabilities but also high cruise speed and long range. Compound helicopter can reach high speed with the same engine power by optimal use of the main rotor, additional fixed wing and propulsion system. Producing lift wing reduces main rotor thrust required and prevents the retreating blade stall. Propulsion system thrust provides the fuselage optimum angle of attack when it does not produce negative lift and has minimum drag.

One of the most effective ways to produce thrust at high speeds is tilting the tail rotor. In this case all the power from the main turboshaft engines will be used at hover and also at high speeds, shared between main and tail rotors.

As an example the authors take single rotor helicopter with two VK-2500 turboshaft engines, additional 15 m2 wing, propulsion prop with 3.2 m diameter and 11900 kg take off weight. To reach maximum cruise speed (385 km/h) 2500 hp should go to the tail propeller which is 70% of all power produced.

However, different blade washout is required at cruise speed flight (the longest flight mode) and hover for best performance of such a propeller. For this purpose at Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant flight simulator the most effective washout was determined.

Because of additional wing and tail rotor tilting system compound helicopter is 400 kg heavier then a conversional one. But even with lower service ceiling (greater weight, negative wing lift at hover and more anti-torque rotor power required) it has 15% higher cruise speed and range which can be shown both at high and low flight altitudes with up to 13000 kg takeoff weight.


high-speed helicopter, tilt tail rotor, propulsion prop, maximum cruise speed


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