Realization of passenger plane auto-land desired trajectory shaping algorithm based on anthropocentric principle

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Kostyukov V. M.*, Trinh V. T.**, Nguyen N. M.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The paper discusses the issues of pilot's dynamics detection and its accounting in the process of glide-path capture accuracy appraisal, as well as accounting pilots dynamics effect on aircraft precision of movement while glide path movement and flaring-out. We suggest solving these issues based on complex mathematical modeling.

The pilot’s behavior based on representing the pilot as an optimal non-linear regulator, and experimental data search of generalized criterion of pilot’s control activities were considered in details. The obtained formal criterion with derived weight factors enables realization in ACS the algorithm identical to pilot’s control activities while aircraft piloting in the form of a direct problem of getting from an arbitrary point in airdrome area on approach glide path.

Three types of stages of landing and corresponding pilot’s models, such as glide path capture, movement on the glide path, and flaring-out before runway touchdown. Modeling and algorithmic analysis of various aircraft thrust control laws allowed selecting the most expedient altitude of flaring-out starting on the assumption of flaring-out altitude valuation permissible error maximizing principle. The obtained permissible areas of initial flaring-out altitudes provide maximum pilot’s comfort in case of forced manual landing mode transition.

The aforesaid solutions enable desired trajectories shaping and algorithms realizing automatic landing according to anthropocentric principle, providing, if necessary, fast transition to manual control mode in case of automatic control rejection, adapting to the current situation.

Anthropocentric approach allows the pilot to operate under minimum psychological tension, since while automatic control he observes the movement, which he would realize himself in case of the necessity of manual mode transition.


desired landing trajectory, admissible initial altitudes area, optimal flaring-out height, anthropocentric principle, pilots control actions building model, optimal control action criterion


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